Kamran Pentland bio photo

Computational Scientist



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About Me

I am currently working as a computational scientist in the plasma simulation group at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy. Prior to this, I was a doctoral student in the Mathsys II CDT reading for a PhD in the Mathematics of Real-World Systems. Please head to my profile page for an overview of my work and educational history.

Research Interests

My research interests span a wide range of areas in computational mathematics and physics such as:

  • spatiotemporal numerical integration of ODEs/PDEs
  • emulation and surrogate modelling
  • MHD equilibrium reconstruction and simulation
  • particle filtering/data assimilation
  • inference and uncertainty quantification
  • multiscale/hybrid modelling


Please feel to get in contact via email if you have questions about any of my research or are interested in collaboration!

Latest update: 12th July 2024