Kamran Pentland bio photo

Computational Scientist



Google Scholar

Conferences, Invited Talks, and Academic Gatherings


  • Computing Division Technical Talk | UKAEA - Invited talk (Jul 2024)
  • ExCALIBUR: Data Driven Algorithm Workshops | University of Exeter - Invited talk (Jan 2024)


  • Pre-viva Talk | University of Warwick - PhD viva (Nov 2023)
  • ICIAM 2023 Minisymposium | Tokyo, Japan - Invited talk (Aug 2023)
  • BAMC 2023 | Bristol, UK - Poster session (Apr 2023)
  • SIAM CSE 2023 Minisymposium | Amsterdam, Netherlands - Invited talk (Feb 2023)
  • Exascale Computing Challenges: PinT Algorithms | University of Exeter - Invited talk (Jan 2023)


  • Culham Plasma Physics Summer School | CCFE, Oxford - Poster session (Jul 2022)
  • 11th Workshop on Parallel-in-Time Integration | CIRM, Marseille - Poster session (Jul 2022)
  • APinTA Kick-Off Meeting | University of Exeter - Invited talk (Jun 2022)
  • MathSys Annual Conference | University of Warwick - Poster session (Apr 2022)
  • BAMC 2022 | University of Loughborough - Poster session (Apr 2022)
  • Heilbronn ProbNum Workshop | London - Invited talk (Mar 2022)
  • Warwick Statistics Department Conference | Gregynog Hall, Wales - Poster session (Mar 2022)
  • Algo. and Comp. Intensive Inference Seminar | University of Warwick - Invited talk (Mar 2022)
  • SPAAM Seminar | University of Warwick - Invited talk (Mar 2022)


  • Probabilistic Numerical Methods: From Theory to Implementation Workshop | Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany - Attendee (Oct 2021)
  • Gaussian Processes Summer School | University of Sheffield - Attendee (Sep 2021)
  • SIAM National Student Chapter Conference | University of Oxford - Poster session (Jun 2021)
  • MathSys Annual Conference | University of Warwick - Three-minute thesis - joint winner best 1st year talk (Apr 2021)
  • Physics and Technology Seminar | CCFE, Oxford - Invited talk (Mar 2021)
  • UK Graduate Modelling Camp | University of Oxford - Industry group modelling (Mar 2021)
  • MathSys Weekly Forum | University of Warwick - Invited talk (Jan 2021)
  • SPAAM Seminar | University of Warwick - Invited talk (Jan 2021)


  • HetSys Study Group | University of Warwick - Industry group modelling (Dec 2020)
  • MSc Project Talks | University of Warwick - MSc talk (Sep 2020)
  • Physics Seminar | CCFE, Oxford - Invited talk (Jul 2020)


  • MSc Project Talks | University College London - MSc talk (Sep 2019)