Kamran Pentland bio photo

Computational Scientist



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Personal Information

  • Name: Kamran Pentland
  • Current Position: Computational Scientist
  • Institution: Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (UKAEA)
  • Address: Culham Campus, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 3DB
  • Email: kamran.pentland@ukaea.uk


  • Graduate Teaching Assistant | University of Warwick (2020 - 2023)
    • Courses: Multivariable Calculus (MA259), Mathematical Methods and Modelling (MA145), Stochastic Modelling and Random Processes (MA933), Brownian Motion (MA4F7), Intro to PDEs (MA250), Algorithms (CS260), and Introduction to Mathematical Biology (MA256).
  • Mathematics Tutor | Kings College London (2020 - 2021)
    • Courses: Numerical and Computational Methods (6CCM359a) and Introduction to Dynamical Systems (4CCM131a).
  • Summer Research Internship | University of Bath (2017)
    • Project Title: “Hybrid Methods for Simulating Reaction-Diffusion Systems”.
    • Supervisor: Dr. Christian Yates.
  • Mathematics Tutor | University of Bath (2016 - 2017)
    • Courses: Programming and Discrete Mathematics (1st year).
  • Quantitative Market Risk Analyst | ConocoPhillips Ltd. (2015 - 2016)


Other Academic Positions

  • Reviewer | Journal of Machine Learning Research (2023 - Present)

  • SIAM Student Chapter President | University of Warwick (2021 - 2022)

  • Marking and Mentoring Volunteer | UK Mathematics Trust (2017 - 2020)